Gnutti quick release set, front and rear Skewer from the 1950s - 60s
Gnutti quick release set, front and rear Skewer from the 1950s - 60s
Gnutti quick release set, front and rear Skewer from the 1950s - 60s Gnutti quick release set, front and rear Skewer from the 1950s - 60s
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Weight / Gewicht :
194 g
Axle length / Achsenlänge :
134 / 155 mm
Condition / Zustand :
See pictures / Siehe Bilder
Production period / Produktionszeitraum :
1950s - 1960s / 1950er - 1960er
Note / Bemerkung:
Weight / Gewicht :
194 g
Axle length / Achsenlänge :
134 / 155 mm
Condition / Zustand :
See pictures / Siehe Bilder
Production period / Produktionszeitraum :
1950s - 1960s / 1950er - 1960er
Note / Bemerkung:
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